02.10 - 08.10.2023
Fondation Moonens, Brussels, Belgium.

Curated by : Laurent De Meyer
An exhibition featuring : Joniid & Sven Laurent

A pile of 36 photographs (10x15 cm) within a folded set of instructions*, placed on a table in the center of a space defined by a poem** written on the floor.
Look at the pictures, 
use the table, 
build your own sequence. 

Make a picture, 
share your sequence, 
DM Instagram @svenlaurent 

By the way, 
Did you read the poem on the floor ?

Some days I feel invisible,
I feel like I’m going to dissolve
into fear, sadness and anxiety.

On those days I make pictures,
no more doubt, no more questions,
just the moment, peace and tranquility. 
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